
Stock Generic Reusable Medical Legal
Illustration exhibits

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Stock Generic Reusable Medical Legal
Illustration exhibits

Call 1-800-869-8160 for Questions, Changes or Customization


Stock Generic Reusable Medical Legal
Illustration exhibits

Call 1-800-869-8160 for Questions, Changes or Customization

Effects of a Hyperstimulated Uterus on Fetal Brain 95215d


The exhibit illustrates the effects of a hyperstimulated uterus on a fetal brain, showing, normal blood flow not blocked, contracting uterus, pressure on head and brain with the brain squeezed again and again, traumatized brain swelling, and compromised blood flow to the brain.


The exhibit illustrates the effects of a hyperstimulated uterus on a fetal brain, showing, normal blood flow not blocked, contracting uterus, pressure on head and brain with the brain squeezed again and again, traumatized brain swelling, and compromised blood flow to the brain.


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